Saturday, January 26, 2013

Dems have always championed the 'out-groups'

Political analyst Bill Schneider found a way to tie together the old and new Democratic Party:

Notice that the Democratic Party changed its ideology, from anti-government to pro-government. But the party did not change its allegiance. The Democratic Party remained the party of out-groups. Only now, those out-groups saw the federal government as their ally, not their enemy. Under President Obama, the Democratic coalition includes working and single women, African-Americans, Latinos, Asian-Americans, gay people, young people, Jewish voters, educated professionals, and the "unchurched" (the one-fifth of Americans who say they have "no religion").

That's the New America. For different reasons, they all see themselves as out-groups. They see the federal government as a force that protects their interests and promotes their values. They see the Republican Party as the party of entrenched wealth and privilege (i.e., Mitt Romney). What's changed is that the New America is becoming the nation's majority. Democrats have carried the popular vote in five out of the last six presidential elections.

Let's hope Schneider's right, and government isn't a dirty word in the U.S. anymore. Next we'll restore for the words liberal and progressive the respect they deserve.

By Bill Schneider
January 25, 2013 | Huffington Post

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