Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Good. Young Republicans don't get it either

Good news for Democrats: young Republicans are just as clueless as their elders. They also think the GOP's electoral problem is its "messaging" and "branding," not the content or underlying values of those messages: 

"We don't know how to brand our message and we are getting outworked on that, and I think that's our major issue," Lucas Denney, 21, said.

Yep, Republicans just need to send a bunch of tweets and Instagrams about how they've slapped a sombrero, a rainbow pin, and an attractive young face on the Grand Old Party, then they'll start winning again. 

¡Ay, caramba, they're dumb! What are they teaching young Republicans at college nowadays??

By Don Gonyea
February 16, 2013 | NPR

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