Monday, October 27, 2008

5 Myths about Obama and taxes

1) Obama will not raise taxes on 401-(k)'s.  And in fact, he's in favor of eliminating income tax on seniors who earn less than $50,000 per year:


2) Heard the one about how Obama's plan to raise corporate income taxes will decrease the number of new hires?  Obama wants to give a $3,000 tax credit to any business for each new employee hired:


3) Moreover, Obama wants to raise tax on businesses making a profit of over $250 K, not revenue over $250 K.  Big difference!:


4) Want to calculate how much your tax cut would be under Obama?  Just answer 3 questions in this Tax Cut Calculator provided by the non-partisan Tax Policy Center:


5) But what about Joe "The Plumber" Wurzelbacher, that hard-working guy whom Obama allegedly wants to tax to death?  Actually, Joe already owes nearly $1,200 in unpaid taxes and $1,261 in unpaid medical bills, but nevertheless, under Obama's plan, he'd be eligible for a tax cut, not an increase:


Finally, let's dispel the biggest myth of them all: the myth of the Lib'rul Media.  Tell me, how can a rational person argue that the profit-driven mainstream media is in the bag for Obama, when their parent corporations (GE, Time Warner, Disney, News Corp, and Viacom) stand to gain $1.44 Billion in tax cuts if McCain is elected?:

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