Sunday, July 4, 2010

Limbaugh: Obama wants 'payback time' against U.S.

So when some nutjob takes a shot at our President and maybe is successful, remember the words of Rush Limbaugh and all the others who whipped him into a frenzy of fear and hatred. Words like, "Our greatest threat (and this is saying something) is internal."

Rush is begging and praying for some well-armed gun nut to take that wacky -- and might I add, baseless and unproven -- belief to its logical conclusion.

If there is a successful attack on Obama, then Rush, Beck, Hannity and the rest will have blood on their hands. Just like they have blood on their hands for whipping people into a hysterical war fever back in 2002-2003. They never raised a gun or dropped a bomb to kill anybody, but they are just as responsible for those never-ending tragedies in Iraq and Afghanistan as any U.S. policymaker.

It's not enough anymore for conservatives to say, "Obama is wrong," or "Obama is a liberal asshole" even. We're thick-skinned enough to deal with that. No, they have to claim they can see into our President's heart and soul and know the man's hidden true intentions, which are, as they say, to destroy America from within because Obama hates this country. Not a shred of evidence to prove that belief, not one word from Obama to support that, but they sell this vile lie day in, day out anyway, and all you teabagging-Repug zombies buy it. For shame!

While others say Obama hates America because he's a secret Muslim, a Manchurian candidate, Rush's explanation is much simpler for Americans to understand: because Obama is black and he wants revenge on the White Establishment. This is sick but fascinating. Why are whites so eager to believe this lie, when there is not a shred of evidence to support this nutty belief? I'll tell you why. White guilt. Yeah, I know, only liberals are supposed to suffer white guilt, but I've thought and thought about this and there's no other plausible explanation, my friends.

Conservative white Americans cannot imagine that a black man who ascended to our nation's highest office would not carry a grudge for all that whites have done to blacks "all these 200 years." They can't imagine him not hating white people for the way that they have hated blacks, for the way that many continue to hate and fear blacks, especially black men. They can't imagine that a black man, somehow defying the odds and getting elected, would not immediately turn on his oppressors in a vengeful rage.

So you see, although their fear tells us nothing about the man Obama is, it tells us very much about their racial beliefs and guilty feelings. White guilt is alive and well in the hearts of U.S. conservatives, and it's poisoning our politics.

July 2, 2010 | The Rush Limbaugh Show


I do think that's true, but I think we face something we've never faced before in the country -- and that is, we're now governed by people who do not like the country, who do not have the same reverence for it that we do. Our greatest threat (and this is saying something) is internal.

We have plenty of external threats, enemies across oceans, but we have a threat inside as well. This is something that I've never felt. I never feel that we had a president actually governing against the country, against the will of the people. I know we've had liberals. Clinton and Hillary were, and are. They're pedal-to-the-metal liberals. But they didn't want to destroy things. This bunch does, and they make no bones about it -- and when destruction does happen, they don't lift a finger to fix it.


I think that he's been raised, educated, and believes on his own that this country has been (as you know) immoral and unjust. It has stolen. It's unfairly large; it's an unjustifiable superpower. We have become as large as we are not because of any uniqueness or exceptionalism or greatness but because we've simply discriminated against the real people that made the country work, all the minorities. People around the world, we've stolen their resources, and now it's payback time. That's what we're getting.


Why aren't we growing jobs in this country like we used to? Why aren't we? It's not hard to do. There's all kinds of textbook evidence, real-life historical evidence of how to do it. We're not doing it; we're not doing it on purpose. It's payback time. All the people who are unemployed? It's time for you to find out what it's like to be an American all these 200 years. "Yeah, greatest country on earth, superpower? Right. Well, might have been for some people, but you're going to find out what it's been like for 200 years for some of us to be an American. It's payback time." That's what's going on here.

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