Friday, September 17, 2010

Lobbying firms rush to hire Republicans -- Cha-CHING!

I know Democrats benefit from it, too, but isn't it simply disgusting how our cash-driven political system works? Know-nothing Congressmen becoming senior executives at investment banks, energy firms, and gov't contractors as soon as they leave office... is this what makes the private sector superior?!?

BTW, those of you who believe in eliminating Congressmen's pensions, cutting their pay and perquisites, and establishing terms limits, should realize that those measures would only make the revolving door between business and government turn faster, with more incentives for politicians to cash in sooner. Think about it: the incentive would be to get elected, pass horrible bills to benefit your corporate benefactors, then cash out after your term with a cushy 6- or 7-figure job with said corporation. Is that what you really want?

Campaign finance reform -- specifically shorter, publicly funded elections -- is the answer. I know it smacks to you of socialism, but public financing would save us money in the larger account.

By Eric Lichtblau
September 9, 2010 | New York Times

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