Sunday, May 6, 2012

Sunday newsflash: France turning Socialist!

But wait, I'm confused.  Was France non-socialistic as of yesterday under Sarko but as of tomorrow it's bad?  Are there degrees of socialism?  Such as,  François Hollande is a 7 on the Socialist Scale of 1-10, with Lenin being a 10, and Sarkozy being a 5 and Obama being a __ ....?

International political economy is so complicated.  I think I'm just going to ignore this election and keep regarding France, and Europe as a whole, as socialistic, because that's so much easier to deal with.  

"Tonight, there are not two Frances. ... There is only one France, only one nation that is united with the same destiny," Hollande said.  Yeah, a socialist destiny.  Go sniff some artisanal cheese while you preside over a national strike for a 10-hour work week, François!

May 6, 2012 | CNN

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