Tuesday, July 10, 2012

You're welcome, Tea Partyers, for this opportunity

Since Tea Partyers are the first Americans to ask, "Where are all the moderate Muslims denouncing terrorism?" I'm going to give those same people the first shot at denouncing their racist, anti-American tea party brethren in New Mexico.  The Confederate flag, as I've said before, isn't only a symbol of treason and institutional racism, but it is certainly symbolic of those things.

So, my friends, you're welcome for this opportunity to prove your moderate views.  

(Psst!  Now's the part where you e-mail all your friends, call your neighbors, post to your blogs, confess to your priests, write a letter to the editor, take out an ad in the local paper, staple fliers to telephone poles, etc., etc.  Because if you don't, you are condoning racism!  It's really that simple.)

(P.S. -- The only political float at my home town's 4th of July parade this year was a Tea Party-sponsored Nobama float with "End of an Error" and similar slogans all over it.  These classy fellas picked just the right day of national unity to diss our elected President.  Nice.  Look, I get it that 99.9 percent of the town is Republican, but... didn't that make their overtly disrespectful political statement on our nation's birthday that much more pointless and mean?)

By Nick Wing
July 10, 2012 | Huffington Post

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