Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Hitchens' 'phased withdrawal' from stupidity underway

In-the-wise readers of Hitchens' columns will recognize in this installment the beginnings of a "phased withdrawal" from his previously unwavering position, which could only be characterized as "Invasion – Yeah!" and "Occupation – Indefinitely!" This is significant, because Hitchens has been the most formidable apologist for America's invasion and occupation of Iraq.

Briefly, I think the idea of Democratic Sen. Peter Galbraith, which Hitchens mentions, is interesting, and might be an improvement over the status quo; but Hitchens doesn't consider any possible downsides. (It is also, strictly speaking, "strategic redeployment," which only one year ago was called "cut and run" by war supporters.) One major downside: Putting all our military eggs in the northern Kurdish basket would make us pretty beholden to them, and would surely encourage Kurds' ambitions for their own state, encompassing parts of Turkey. This in turn would seriously anger our staunchest secular Muslim ally in the region. Talk about loyal gratitude!

Also, I would like to know exactly what would constitute an "al-Qaeda challenge" in Iraq, assuming American forces withdrew. This is the bogeyman we keep being threatened with by Bush, Cheney, et al if we withdraw, but they never explain what they mean by it.

Does Hitchens honestly think that al Qaeda would have any success raising an army and challenging anybody? They're acting at the fringes of the Iraq conflict now. That the Shi'ites (with or without Iran's help) wouldn't stamp them out if al Qaeda dared to form a regular army is beyond belief. Or would an "al-Qaeda challenge" be dozens or even hundreds of terrorists hiding around Iraq, plotting attacks? Well, that's the status quo, and none of our efforts have succeeded in stamping out the terrorists. We're too few, too clumsy, too disliked by the locals, and always a day late and a dollar short.

Finally, regarding Hitchen's warning to Democrats about "abandoning" the Kurdish provinces if America withdraws from Iraq completely… If the Kurds are really so united and self-sufficient (with their own army, government), then why do they need America? If the Kurdish provinces are the model of what we want all of Iraq to be, so that we can withdraw un-precipitously and in our own good time, then why would we want to keep our forces there? Do we really want to teach Iraqis the lesson: If you choose peace & stability, we will reward you with permanent U.S. bases on your territory?

By Christopher Hitchens
March 26, 2007 | Slate

Wised-up opinion in Washington holds that the Republicans are being unsmart in opposing the Democratic attempt to impose a timeline on American withdrawal from Iraq. By resisting this demand, it is argued, the GOP insists on assuming the whole responsibility for the war, when it could have said to the opposition: All right, have it your own way; we will adopt your timetable and be ready to blame you if it goes wrong. But by opposing the proposal, the president's supporters are apparently shouldering the entire burden.

This analysis only works if you think of politics as a process of maneuvering, whereby each party hopes to reap the benefit of the other party's mistake in having either "lost" Iraq or in having "acquired" it in the first place. It also only works if you make the assumption that there is no middle policy between "surging" or "scuttling." As it happens, though, the Democrats know perfectly well that this is untrue, and it's time that they were called on the point.

The most senior Democrat to have called, the earliest and the longest, for the removal of Saddam Hussein is Peter Galbraith. For many years a senior staffer on the Senate foreign relations committee and during the Balkan wars a highly visible ambassador in Zagreb who urged the defeat of Slobodan Milosevic, he was exposing American complicity with Saddam's genocide at a time when Republican administrations considered Baghdad a strategic ally. His work on pushing for the passage of the Prevention of Genocide Act and in drawing attention to what was happening during the Anfal campaign in northern Iraq was exemplary.

His latest book, The End of Iraq, is notable for two things. First, it gives one of the most acute and intimate portraits of the Bush administration's catastrophic mismanagement of the intervention. Second, it proposes a serious program for a radical change in policy. What are our irreducible objectives in Iraq? To prevent the country and its enormous resources from falling into the hands of the enemies of civilization—most notably al-Qaida—and to protect what remains of the secular and democratic alliance that we once hoped might emerge to govern the situation. We made—both parties, not just the Bush administration—some serious promises to Iraqi democrats down the years. It would be morally impossible, as well as politically suicidal, to walk away from them.

Given the apparently irreversible fracturing of Iraq into at least three confessional and ethnic parts, an outcome that may have been innate in the Iraqi state, we cannot hope—so runs his argument—to police or manage the sectarian horror show that has been launched by the parties of god. And we run the grave risk of being drawn into it. However, there is a possible way of saving some of our credit. If we reconfigure our military presence to the north, in the three Kurdish provinces, we can reduce the size of ourselves as a target, remain just "over the horizon" in the case of an al-Qaida challenge, be available "case by case" in the event of any appeal from the Iraqi government for help, and protect the most outstanding of our achievements in the country, which is the emergence of a relatively peaceful, democratic, and prosperous region under coalition auspices.

By definition, this would mean a much smaller and leaner force, in an area where so far no American soldier has been killed by hostile action. (See, if you like, my report from Kurdistan in the current Vanity Fair.)

It would associate us with the secular and democratic Iraqis and Kurds, many of whom continue to witness for such values in the face of a terrifying campaign of torture and murder by the rival theocrats. And it would remove the suspicion that we are being "spun," or manipulated, by Iraqi factions who hope to use U.S. soldiers to crush their own private enemies. It would, finally, be congruent with values that are shared across American politics—such as the defense of self-determination and the protection of minorities from massacre and persecution, which was part of Operation Provide Comfort with which the world reacted to Saddam's barbarism in 1991.

I have my reservations about Galbraith's proposal, because I think that partition is always and everywhere a defeat and often leads to more wars and more partitions. But I strongly recommend a reading of his powerful book, which makes the case that partition is no longer avoidable and that we must broker "an amicable divorce" between the factions. And I know that he has been invited to address meetings of the newly elected Democratic intake on the Hill, many of whom have expressed varying degrees of interest and enthusiasm in his plan. The stakes here are not low. Does the Democratic leadership seriously suggest the abandonment of the whole of Iraq, including the abandonment of a region where the inhabitants have done everything that has been asked of them, from providing for their own defense with their own army to settling their own factional divisions? Is it to be forgotten that senior Democratic senators from Al Gore to Claiborne Pell spent much time in the 1980s and '90s defending the Kurdish cause against the degraded realpolitik of men like Donald Rumsfeld, Dick Cheney, and Henry Kissinger?

At present, it seems that some Democrats are interpreting public disillusionment with Iraq as a mandate for isolationism and for treating a country that occupies a keystone position between Iran and Saudi Arabia as if it were negligible or irritating or an obstacle to plans for universal health care or the arrest of global warming. That this is a huge historical mistake is the least offensive way of putting it.

[In America, since when is the opposite of isolationism occupation? Democrats and war critics are not preaching isolation; in fact, they're demanding heavier engagement with Iran, Syria, North Korea, Israel, and Palestine. Engagement overseas does not necessarily, or even normally, entail guns a-blazin'. – J]


Anonymous said...

On Al Qaeda, you were almost correct. Except for that supposed Islamic State, a splinter group. I'm curious whether you are conscious of your predictions being contradicted all these years later, and whether your opinions have since wandered in other directions.

Jay Tell said...

Like just about everyone else, I didn't see ISIS coming. But the conflict and resulting power vacuum and recruitment opportunity in Syria also has helped ISIS tremendously. Nobody saw that coming back then. ISIS's greatest strength is also its greatest weakness as opposed to Al Qaeda: they seek to conquer and hold territory. When it commits, the U.S. Military is the best in the world at taking over enemy territory. The questions are 1) at what cost? and 2) what next?