Saturday, June 18, 2011

Any advert creates 'internal battle' in your brain

The "self-control region [of the brain] is in a tug of war with the parts of the brain affected by ads."

This info raises yet more doubts about just how free is humans' free will. Second, it makes me think of the $ hundreds of millions in political campaign spending every year, most of which goes towards TV commercials. Are we really making informed political choices, or just responding to non-conscious cues?

The good news is that every time you think critically about how ads work, you create new patterns in your brain that strengthen the self-control regions. Unfortunately, that's also why marketers spend $17 billion a year targeting ads at children, who have not yet developed the capacity and experience for critical thinking. Companies are hoping they can hard-wire those buying tastes and habits in children at a tender age so they'll continue on into adulthood.

By Maya Cueva
June 15, 2011 | All Things Considered on NPR

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