Monday, June 20, 2011

Celebrating failure: Failed States Index 2011

I thought this was sad yet funny: "If the Failed States Index were a championship, then Somalia would be the undisputed four-time champion (or cellar-dweller, depending on how you look at it)." 

Keep at it, Chad! 2012 could finally be your year!

It's just as sad to see that two wards of U.S. power, Afghanistan and Iraq, are the 7th and 9th most likely to fail states, respectively. Sorry, U.S. taxpayers, we can't cut and run yet!

But it's perplexing to see that Libya is the 111th most likely to fail state, right after Ukraine at 110. Does that mean The Fund for Peace and Foreign Policy magazine don't think Gaddafi's going anywhere? You have to be a subscriber to see their methodology.

Maybe it will relieve you alarmists out there to see that the USA is in a respectably fail-proof 158th place this year, despite imminent default on its debt and hyper inflation. You've got to hang on until 2013, folks, then Mitt will save the day!

It's also useful for Nervous Nelly tourists planning their next getaway to know that drab, godless Euro-socialists Denmark, Switzerland Sweden, Norway and Finland are the least likely states to fail this year. Don't worry, your hotel reservations are safe!

June 20, 2011 | The Fund for Peace

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