Friday, July 22, 2011

Texas shows why Big Guvmint is needed

It must be hard being a thoughtful Texan. Sure, you get to be proud of its bigness, its cowboy lore, its football prowess, Tex-Mex, Austin's music scene, but beyond that?.... And then everyday in the news those few thoughtful Texans see yet another story about the Christian Taliban trying to turn their state into Jesus Land.

Besides all that, this story just underscores the inanity of elected boards of education. Why do we elect people from one party or another to make education policy for our kids? What's liberal or conservative about the 3 Rs? It's the politicization of children's learning. It's madness.

So here we see yet another unapologetically stupid Maud Flanders/Michelle Bachmann-type in Texas lamenting to the media that there are only "six true conservative Christians on the board." (And alas no true blondes.)

But why should one's religion matter? Well, now that she went and mentioned it like it did, it does matter: nobody's religion should play any part in deciding education policy, so she just disqualified herself! Unfortunately, most Texans don't see it that way; they think one qualifies oneself for public office by juggling Bibles while speaking in tongues at a gun show.

Texas and the rest of America's states need a big dose of Big Government in education, just like our competitors prescribe to their people. Washington, DC should shove a standard national education policy down their unwilling throats.

I'm sorry for putting it that way, but shoving ignorance down unwilling people's throats is exactly what these parochial bumpkins want to do. They are silly and should be replaced with disinterested career bureaucrats in Washington.

By Jim Vertuno
July 20, 2011 | Huffington Post

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