Sunday, January 27, 2013

Bill Black: Loan fraud caused the Great Recession

Sorry, I hate to be that guy who keeps bringing up stuff that happened, like, six years ago, but getting the history right on the financial crisis that caused the Great Recession matters, 'cos this is gonna happen again.

I'm just going to quote two-fisted regulator Bill Black verbatim, because there is only so much condensing I can do:

The ultra brief version is (1) by 2006 roughly 40 percent of total mortgage loans originated were "liar's loans," (fyi, roughly half of all loans called "subprime" were also liar's loans -- the categories are not mutually exclusive, (2) the incidence of fraud among liar's loans is 90 percent, (3) an honest real estate lender would not make pervasively fraudulent loans because doing so would inevitably cause the firm to fail (absent a bailout), (4) liar's loans, however, are optimal "ammunition" for "accounting control fraud", (5) investigations (and logic) have confirmed that it was overwhelmingly lenders and their agents who put the lies in liar's loans, (6) no lender was ever required or encouraged by the government to make or purchase liar's loans -- the opposite was true, the government discouraged such loans and industry documents confirm this fact, (7) liar's loans make an excellent "natural experiment" because even Fannie and Freddie were not encouraged to make these loans -- because they did not aid them in meeting the "affordable housing goals", (8) Fannie and Freddie, eventually, purchased enormous amounts of liar's loans for the same reason that the investment banks (not subject to the CRA or any affordable housing goals did) they created massive (albeit fictional) short-term accounting income, which flowed through to the bonuses of many Fannie and Freddie executives. Let me put these data in another format -- by 2006, lenders were making over two million fraudulent liar's loans annually. Fraudulent liar's loans grew massively because lenders (and purchasers) created perverse incentives to make and purchase massive amounts of these fraudulent loans.

This level of fraud is massively greater than during the S&L debacle, where accounting control fraud never became a dominant national lending strategy. Liar's loans grew so rapidly, and became such a large share of the market that they constituted the loans "on the margin" that hyper-inflated the financial bubble, which drove the Great Recession.

A liar's loan, by the way, is a low-documentation or no-documentation home mortgage loan. This is not the same as a subprime loan, where the lender (usually a bank) knows the borrower has bad credit, sketchy employment history, etc., and therefore gives the borrower a higher rate of interest to compensate the lender for taking such a risk.  

So, the whole line that "lenders were greedy" during the housing bubble is only half true. Mobsters and bank robbers are also greedy, you could say. I'm greedy. You're greedy. Children are greedy with cookies and crayons. The difference is that robbers and banksters are also criminals. Financial fraud and lending fraud are crimes.

Besides the media and of course Wall Street actively covering up this fraud, Dubya and especially Obama deserve the most blame and contempt for referring zero fraud cases to the Justice Department for criminal prosecution. Sums up Black:

One of our mantras in white-collar criminology is: "if you don't look, you won't find." The Frontline documentary begins the process of explaining what those of us who are aware of what a real investigation is and what it requires have been saying for years -- neither the Bush nor the Obama administration has been willing to conduct a real investigation of the elite banksters whose frauds made them wealthy and drove the financial crisis and the Great Recession. This is one of the hallmarks of crony capitalism. It cripples our economy, our democracy, and our integrity.

[...] Any bank that is too big to fail and to prosecute is a clear and present danger that should be promptly shrunk to the point that it can no longer hold the global economy hostage in order to extort immunity from the criminal laws for the controlling officers who became wealthy by being what Akerlof and Romer aptly described as "looters."

By William K. Black
January 26, 2013 | Huffington Post

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