Sunday, February 3, 2013

If an armed ex-Navy Seal isn't safe, who is?

Even an armed Navy Seal isn't safe in today's gun-crazy US of A!  RIP, Chris Kyle.

And irony of ironies, self-proclaimed hero sniper Kyle recently warned President Obama not to take his guns away.

Gee, maybe if Obama had taken Kyle's guns away, so that Kyle wasn't at the shooting range that day, he'd still be alive!.... But that's crazy talk. Obviously Kyle either didn't have enough guns on him at the time, or there should have been an armed guard with him at this Ft. Worth gun range (I mean, an armed guard in addition to his armed veteran buddy, who was also shot dead). 

More and deadlier guns are the only defense against more and deadlier guns, m-hm.

Seriously though, this double gun murder relates to my post from the other day about the idiot walking into a Kroger with an AR-15 and causing a near-emergency. Kyle's shooting death illustrates my point that a society where everybody is casually packing heat is not safer but actually more dangerous -- and not for the commonsense reason that more guns = more shootings, as all liberal-progressives know -- but also because even gun owners lose their natural, reasonable fear of other armed people

I mean, normally, if you see a stranger carrying a gun, or pulling out a gun, you're either thinking about cover/defense or trying to shoot him before he shoots you, if you're carrying a gun. But once you get used to the idea that everybody's legally packing heat in the most mundane of settings, then your natural instincts become dulled, you lose your edge, and before you know it, your fellow 2nd Amendment lover exercising his Right to Carry has just shot you dead before you could even reach for your firearm.  

February 3, 2013 | CNN

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