Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Rush on VA Tech shooting rampage

And Rush wants to tell us "This is not what America is"? Like it or not, this is what America is! The question is, what are we going to do about it?

April 17, 2007 | The Rush Limbaugh Show

"This doesn't happen every day in this country. This is not what America is. This event does not provide a microcosm of the evils and horrors of American society. So you have this kid that went nuts here for whatever reason, in a suicide note, railing against "rich kids and the debauchery of society," and wait 'til the Drive-Bys pick up on that and start extrapolating that into the other templates that exist in their newsrooms as to what's wrong with American society. I don't know what his grievance was against "rich kids." I have no clue and we won't know until the details of this note are spelled out. The Drive-Bys are all talking about the "healing" that we all must go through now, and that this is a tragedy. As I say, you can say it's a tragedy, and I may be splitting hairs here, but, as I say, a tragedy is when a tornado runs through town and flattens a building and 30 people die. This is pure evil on parade, or insanity. It's self-contained within the mind and the body of the shooter. It was a sick, evil act, very much like that of a suicide bomber. It was an evil, driven nut who had a couple of guns, and we have to face that head on and deal with that, not hide under our covers in fear and blame and guilt and start asking, "What's wrong with America?"


"There is no gun control law that could have stopped him, and anybody with an IQ of a pencil eraser or higher understands this. As I watched some of this last night, I felt a bubbling, effervescent resentment here at the constant insertion of this liberal political agenda into these tragedies, and to practically every other story that they cover. No time for the families to mourn, no time for the nation to mourn. We've already got stories from the Drive-Bys about how great Bill Clinton was at being mourner-in-chief, citing his brilliant speech after the Oklahoma City bombing, and implying that when Bush goes down there today, he's just not going to pull it off as well as Clinton. Now, what the hell is that about, if not pushing a political agenda and propaganda? Two audio sound bites here, and this is to remind you of a point I made before the half hour break, and that is all this talk of the Drive-Bys are all for gun control, and Howard Fineman out there saying, "It's going to ignite a massive debate." It's Democrats who have to run as opposed to gun control in order to win elections these days. Gore tried it in 2000. Kerry tried it in 2004. "

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