Tuesday, April 17, 2007

you #@$!head, you

(Despite repeated attempts to send this to Chris Field's published e-mail address on April 17, the server at Human Events rejected my e-mail. )

Dear Mr. Headuphisass,

Your op-ed ("Media Spins Va.-Tech Tragedy for Gun Control") is as craven as it is hypocritical. Craven, because you demand a "time out" before you face the righteous anger of a populace who's had it with your lies about the benefits of gun ownership. And hypocritical, because you demand, ridiculously, a "time out" for grieving before we debate the inevitable question thrown before us ( i.e. gun control) because emotions are running high; yet people like you are the first to exploit any act of terrorism or inflammatory act or statement when it suits your needs in the bogus "war on terror" that is meant to make Americans safer.

Wanna know how to make Americans safer? Get rid of all the f-ing guns, you f-ing moron! What f-ing intellectual leg are you standing on right now, tell me! What possible f-ing argument could you have in the face of this PREVENTABLE shooting rampage?

You can't say, like a senile Charlton Heston, that America is just more violent than other countries, culturally. This Cho Seung-hui wasn't even American!! And you can't say -- as you and your gun-nut comrades have tried -- that the answer is still MORE guns, i.e. "an armed society is a polite society." Up until yesterday, Cho Seung-hui would have been the very model of a peaceful, law-abiding student. What do you want VA Tech and other college campuses to be -- hallowed places of learning, or the OK-Corral?

Your time is up, you &*%!. As far as I'm concerned, you and your ilk have blood on your hands from now on. I hope your God-fearing mother$%*&^! conscience can deal with that. But it probably can, ghastly as you are. God, you must really hate America, you selfish twat.

Get bent,


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