Wednesday, July 29, 2009 debunks Obama 'birther' conspiracy

I hesitate to even send this, because I don't want to debate the authenticity of Obama's Hawaii birth certificate, I really don't. But chances are, if you are a Republican, that you either entertain the possibility of this "Manchurian Candidate"-type conspiracy, (which must have started years or even decades ago) or else you know several Republicans who do.

Just let this analysis end all the "birther" conspriacy theories:

Anyway, even without this, just keep in mind how deep this conspiracy would have to go: Obama would have to have at least one entire Hawaii state bureaucratic agency in his pocket for years on end covering up for him. Without a single whistleblower. Not a single Republican who could "expose" the "truth" of the conspiracy. Including the Republican governor of Hawaii.

Take off your tin foil hat and scratch your head over that.

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