Sunday, July 26, 2009

Forbes: ObamaCare on End-Of-Life

Although the article's title is a misleading -- since it wasn't even Obama's bill that first proposed Medicare reimbursements for end-of-life counseling services, and since the bill says nothing about end-of-life treatment -- conservative Forbes basically sets the record straight:

"In fact, the bill says nothing about death with dignity or any other code words for euthanasia. It also does not make these [optional] counseling sessions [with one's personal physician every 5 years] in any way mandatory--it just says that Medicare will start reimbursing for them."

So let that be the end of these silly, fatuous "Soylent Green" and "Logan's Run" sci-fi horror comparisons by pundits on the Right.

ObamaCare Dives Into End-Of-Life Debate
Medicare spends $100 billion annually on patients' final year of life. What the new bill says--and doesn't say--about treatment of the dying.

By David Whelan
July 24, 2009 |

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