Saturday, July 25, 2009

Sodomy keeps us safe?

We really ought to broadcast this to the terrorists -- and the unfortunate Arab-Muslims mistaken for terrorists -- of the world, that flashlights and splintery broomsticks await them. Oh, and they'll have to drink our pee, too.

Who ever thought this getting down to their level thing in order to defeat them would be so much kinky fun?

Hey, we're still the USA, we're still the good guys, so if we're pissing down people's throats, it's for all the right reasons.

And if these kinds of tough tactics enrage peaceful Arabs and Muslims enough to drive them into the terrorists' ranks, well... A $500 billion annual Pentagon budget can buy an elongated enhanced interrogation device (aka, a broomstick) for every last Muslim on Earth. Yeah, baby! USA! USA!

Never mind the waterboarding, here's the sodomy

By Allan Uthman
July 2009 | The BEAST

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