Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Congrats, you paid for Wall St.'s 'performance' bonuses

Just think, each American paid $500 so that greedy, reckless Wall Street pricks could buy themselves a Beemer or a second home. Actually, since over 40 percent of Americans pays no federal income tax, that means you honest, hard-working teabagging-type folks are paying about $1,000 apiece to fund Wall Street's hard-earned bonuses -- hard-earned, because, well, you know, they would have destroyed the global economy if it weren't for $14 trillion in U.S. Government loans, guarantees, and swaps that they received, but then, like, once they got all that money, they managed to turn a profit, like the big financial geniuses they are.

I know a lot of you folks out there hold capitalism on about the same level of esteem as Christianity and (insert local high school football team's name here). But seriously, this is not capitalism. This is unprecedented stealing. From you. From every law-abiding taxpayer, and their children and grand-children. And they're not even shy about it. They still think they deserve all that money, after what they did. The truth is, they think you're all rubes and idiots who don't deserve to be as rich as they are.

Wake up, Amurica!

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