Friday, February 12, 2010

Ames: America's persistent problem is too much democracy

You may not like Ames but he is devastating. You teabaggers ignore him at your own moral peril. The GOP "braintrust" is anti-democratic at its core, just like our Founding Fathers were: Their greatest fear wasn't British tyranny, it was "mobocracy" by the unpropertied uncouth underclass. As the self-proclaimed true inheritors of our founding traditions, elitist Republicans hate democracy and majority rule.

Check it out, you beigists!

"What about the $23 trillion Republican bailouts? Well, again, we're too stupid to understand. The thing is, those bailouts had to be done their way in order to save us from the Road to Serfdom. It's hard to explain, but basically, the anti-government conservatives in the Bush Machine saved us from that Road to Serfdom by turning us into serfs. You see, all along it was the Road that they warned us about, not serfdom — that road is really treacherous, and government funded, and just a bad place to be. We weren't rational or strong enough to wean ourselves off of big government. So they saved us with their tough love, and stole the $23 trillion bailout for themselves before we could get our hands on it — which no doubt we would have done. In their hands, that $23 trillion debt makes us serfs, which is not as bad as the other alternative: we take the $23 trillion ourselves, leading us down the road to serfdom. Confused? If we were capable of studying economics, we'd understand the scientific logic of this reasoning."

And here's what Ames has to say about Tom Tancredo, keynote speaker at the Tea Party Patriots convention, who alongside Sarah Palin dvocated a return to Jim-Crow era voter literacy tests:

"*Note: In 1969, when Tancredo was finishing his four-year stint as pro-war College Republican campus activist, he received a note in the mail from the Draft Board calling him up for duty in Vietnam — so the wobbly-kneed invertebrate ran screaming and crying to the draft board appealing for an exemption from the very same war told everyone else to die in. After making a total abject ass of himself squirting into his underwear before the draft board, they finally gave in and handed Tancredo the yellow-striped coward's exemption he begged for — ruling him mentally unfit for duty due to "anxiety bouts" and "panic attacks." It was the only government job he ever turned down — he believed that "sacrifice" meant sacrificing other people's money and lives, not his own. After squirming out of the war, Tancredo spent the rest of his life sucking on the taxpayer teat, first as a junior high school teacher, then a state legislator, then a Department of Education federal employee (where he spent most of his time firing his colleagues), then Congressman, and finally, a Republican Party foundation-welfare queen."

Just like Cheney, Limbaugh, Dubya -- all of them actively avoided combat, although they're perfectly fine with "projecting American power" in every godforsaken desert and primitive sh**holte on Earth from the comfy environs of power.

Royal Tea Party Rebels: The Heroic Billionaires' Struggle To Overthrow The Tyranny Of Democracy
By Mark Ames
February 12, 2010 The Exiled


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