Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Mooners and Birthers and Truthers, oh my!

See, the flag is blowing. See? Because on holographic alien moons, there is no wind! BUSTED!

I didn't know that some Moon Landing Truthers (or just Mooners, as I like to call them) don't simply believe Armstrong's moon landing was faked, they believe the entire Moon was faked.  It's an alien hologram, you see?  

Some even believe that Armstrong didn't die of natural causes, he was silenced by Them, because after all these decades he was finally ready to blow the lid off the whole thing.

Anyway, I just wanted to let you Birthers, 9/11 Truthers, and One World Government nuts know that you're in very good company.  I think the Internet was invented especially for you: your little islands of nuttiness are now an archipelago.  If Obama is re-elected, they'll form a small continent.

(RIP, Neil Armstrong.  We know you meant to come clean in the end about aliens conspiring with the Knights Templar to direct world history.)


Moon Madness said...

Well where do I start? I was born in 1967, I don't know if that makes me a birther or not. Let me give you a taste of moon truth my friend. Anybody with Google Earth, can see that the moon is much bigger than we are told, by simply reversing the NASA lunar images, or any lunar images for that matter, then overlaying them over the earth. The Schrodinger crater at the moons south pole is aprox. 200 miles in diameter. In the earth it shows to be almost 800 miles in diameter. This can be seen at the Great Slave Lake in Canada, Iceland, The eastern tip of Brazil, In Sudan in Africa, and many more places on the earth. Now why would we see these prints on the earth, from this crater at the moons south pole? For the same exact reason Mare Oriental crater matches just about every inch of soil on earth. Because the moon has impacted the earth, And I have lost count of how many times. Even the weather on the earth shows these impacts, every single day. So since the prints on the earth, show the moon to be almost 4x the size they say it is, it must be much further away than they say as well. I know they were faked! I have been studying this for 3 years, and I can place every side of the moon, with it's correct location on the earth. One more thing, moon rocks are all over the earth, real ones! So that is the actual truth behind all of the lies. You like that? Research it, and get back to me, I would love to hear your response.

Moon Madness said...

I can read people very well, I mean that. I watch interviews with these so call astronauts, and their description of these trips to the moon, completely made up. Why doesn't NASA tell us the true size of the moon, and why do scientist make up stories of plate tectonics, creating mountains? Why don't they tell us the moon hits the earth as part of the earth cycle? Why do we continue to pay for NASA to tell us lies? Scientific information of this sort, is absolutely priceless. How often do you share priceless information with the world, never! Same with them, Never. Use this information I am giving you, it's probably the truest thing you have ever had the opportunity to know.

Jay Tell said...

Moon Madness, are you Moon Truth aka Moon Hitsearth?



You really opened my eyes to the possibilities, man. Just stay away from guns and those SOBs at NASA and you'll be fine.