Monday, September 3, 2012

Obama fits GOP's version of American Dream to a tee

The American dream, according to anti-government Republicans at this year's convention, is to work crappy jobs so your kids can become Congressmen.  Really? Well, that's not so bad come to think of it.

Indeed, if that's so, how in the world is Obama, whose parents worked crappy jobs, who became a state senator, then a senator in Congress, any less a living, breathing realization of their version of the American Dream?  

"Don't buy this business that you can be good at something. The deck's stacked against you," said Rush Limbaugh sarcastically.  A lower middle-class black man with an immigrant father, no pedigree and a funny Muslim-sounding name?  I'd call that a stacked deck! "The left wants to make sure people don't even try. So they mock trying," explained Rush. Excuse me!?  If it weren't for the Left, Obama would still be in Chicago.

As it turns out, Obama is the Republicans' version of the American Dream to the 10th power.  Barack Obama should have been speaking at their convention, not Marco Rubio.

UPDATE: Somebody argued that Obama never worked in the private sector so he can't possibly represent the American Dream.  Well neither did Marco Rubio.  My argument holds.

August 31, 2012 | The Rush Limbaugh Show

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