Friday, January 18, 2008

GOP elite turning on Huckabee

I've been waiting for this. Now that Huckabee has a shot at winning a decisive contest in S. Carolina, the GOP Establishment is taking the gloves off. Why? Because Huckabee is not sufficiently orthodox on taxes, immigration, education, or health care. He has a teensy-weensy bit of populism in him, based on his (seemingly sincere) Christian beliefs.

And the hard, cold steel of the GOP Establishment will have none of it, because they are first and last about keeping their money out of Big Gubument's hands.

I mean, it's laughable for a guy like Lowry to distinguish "Christian conservatives" from "average voters." He knows better. He knows that the average voter in many states, especially in S. Carolina, is a Christian conservative. For Lowry to call Huckabee a "fringe candidate" a la Ron Paul because Huckabee's base in Christian conservatives ignores their power: in 2004 they voted for Bush and a GOP majority; in 2006 they voted Democrat or stayed home, handing the Democrats a majority. Christian conservatives, when they choose to use it, have the power to decide U.S. elections.

Bottom line: Lowry and his ilk are scared. Huck can take votes from Establishment favorites Thompson and Romney in S. Carolina, and possibly hand McCain a victory, which would certainly end Thompson's campaign, and push Romney's back on his heels.

Huck Hoax
By Rich Lowry (Editor, National Review)
January 18, 2008

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