Tuesday, January 25, 2011

OH mom jailed for sending kids to white school

That'll teach a black mother for violating American apartheid!

Darnit, white people work their whole lives and pay huge taxes to live in school districts with top-notch schools; and doggonit if some out-of-district black mother is going to defraud her way into an education her kids didn't earn! Of course the real answer is school choice, so this kind of thing happens transparently.

In fact, white parents in expensive suburbs are just dying to give black parents the choice to send their kids to school with their white children, as long as it's via school vouchers.
You know, to diversify them and stuff. Not to mention to spur school competition, or something.

When is Big Gubument going to wake up and realize the solution to bad majority-minority schools is to give all those minorities the choice to study with white kids in the suburbs, preferably in exclusive private schools, via government vouchers? It's common sense! I feel like Todd Palin here, pointing out the blindingly obvious.

Black Mother Jailed For Sending Kids to White School District

By James Quin
January 24, 2011 | Anti-Kryptos

URL: http://antikryptos.wordpress.com/2011/01/24/black-mother-jailed-for-sending-kids-to-white-school-district-2/

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