Monday, January 24, 2011

There's no inciting violence here, folks! Nothing to see here, move along!

Just another example of how right-wing pundits definitely do not try to incite violence among the angriest and most unhinged of their followers. No sir, stop spreading more "blood libel!"

[Editor's Note: As of late 2010, Media Matters receives funding from diabolical global puppet master George Soros, therefore any of its opinions expressed or links to factual articles cannot be accepted as real.]

[Editor's P.S. - Let me take this opportunity to remind you alert readers to check the integrity of your tinfoil hats, just in case Major League Baseball's spy satellites are piercing your aluminum mind-reading shields. Oh, and Obama's going to take your guns away. You know what to do. Thank you.]

By Jamison Foser
January 24, 2011 | Media Matters

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