Sunday, January 30, 2011

FOX analyst: Obamacare, light bulbs leading to Egypt-like tyranny

"...the people have to get their power back. It's God's will," concluded FOX News Medical Contributor Dr. Keith Ablow on the reasons for the protests in Egypt.

Right. So health care reform and energy-saving light bulbs will turn us into Egypt, whereupon it will be God's will for us to violently overthrow our government.

This is definitely not another example of right-wing pundits inciting the angriest and craziest among their followers to violence against our government. Don't spread more blood libel!

[Editor's Note: As of late 2010, Media Matters receives funding from diabolical global puppet master George Soros, therefore any of its opinions expressed or links to factual articles or actual film footage cannot be accepted as real.]

January 28, 2011 | Media Matters

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