Thursday, February 17, 2011

Washington state graphic: Who votes how?

I must point out that this super graphic from WA state is indicative of a national trend. Indeed, Red States tend to be federal welfare queens.

'Course, if you want to dig deeper, then you see that all major cities, even in Red States, tend to vote Democrat. It's the 'burbs and the vast swathes of nothing that vote Republican.

What does all this mean? I'm not quite sure. But cognitive dissonance is nothing new to conservatives and Republicans. To be charitable, let's remember that famous quote from writer F. Scott Fitzgerald: "The test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposed ideas in the mind at the same time, and still retain the ability to function." Red State welfare queens obviously have no problem with hating Big Gubument while collecting all kinds of federal goodies. So doggoneit, Red Staters are possessed of a first-rate intelligence!

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