Monday, August 15, 2011

U.S. Chamber leads fight for global bribery

The "pro-business" U.S. Chamber of Commerce has lost all credibility in my book. They are just shameless slaves to multinational corporate interests.

"The proposals by the Chamber are quite dramatic," said Harvard Law School professor David Kennedy, who specializes in international law. "Although presented as modest legislative clarifications, the Chamber's proposals would seriously undermine the enforcement efforts and scale back criminal liability under the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA)."

Taking a stand for bribery?!? What big brass ones these guys have! They want to go back to the 1960s when U.S. firms could deduct foreign bribes as a legitimate business expense.

And what's worse -- they'll probably get their way!

It's depressing, outrageous stories like this one which make me feel like an insignificant observer of how the world really works, with absolutely no influence.

By Dan Froomkin
August 12, 2011 | Huffington Post

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