Wednesday, July 9, 2014

VIDEO: Russians interrogate female pilot captured INSIDE UKRAINE (subtitles)

The Russian regime's gall knows no limits!  They captured a female Ukrainian soldier Nadiya Savchenko on Ukrainian territory, and now they want to try her in Russian court.

Here is video of one interrogation in Russia (turn on the English subtitles):

Russia is not doing a very good job lately in hiding its connections with separatists in the Donbas. Nadiya Savchenko, female officer of Ukrainian army's Aydar unit who was captured in Luhansk Oblast on June 17, was transferred to prison in Voronezh, a Russian city not far from the border with Ukraine, reported television news program TSN.

Savchenko is being suspected in the murder of Russian journalists while participating in Ukraine’s antiterrorist operation, though local prosecutors have not come up with an official accusation yet, the senior lieutenant’s Russian lawyer said. However, her younger sister Vira said that the Voronezh court is going to have a first hearing within this case on July 9.

Incidentally, Ms. Savchenko is a veteran pilot who fought for U.S. coalition forces in Iraq. Pretty tough lady!

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