OK, I realize this is an online poll, and an online poll on FOXNews.com at that, but regardless the results are telling us something important.
I took the quiz and answered "yes, I feel safe and I don't think about it," the first choice, just to see the overall results.
As of writing this, 12% of U.S. churchgoers who participated in the unscientific poll at FOXNews.com said they did not feel safe at their house of worship and that the problem deserved more attention, and 5% said they did not feel safe and that their church did not seem concerned.
In other words, 17% of conservative, pro-gun FOX fans said they didn't feel safe at their own church. DWTF is happening to America? Can't these people put 2 and 2 together? They are their own worst enemy, and they can't even see it!
Before the story of the 17-pound 4-month-old infant who was denied health insurance took the top story on FOX's site, FOX's feature article today was about a Kentucky pastor who was leaving his chuch after 30 years in order to concentrate on 2nd Amendment issues and church security. Seriously. This is a pastor, a Christian, who was known for hosting an annual "God-and-Guns" church event where people could buy and win guns.
I'm embarrassed for my home state and my home country. And I'm beyond exasperated with U.S. Christians, who manage to maintain so many wacky contradictions in their brains at one time and yet miraculously remain semi-functional.
Too many morons, too many guns. There's no sugarcoating it.
Do You Feel Safe At Your House of Worship?
October 12, 2009 | FOXNews.com
URL: http://www.foxnews.com/opinion/2009/10/12/decide-church-attacks-safe/
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