Monday, October 19, 2009

LA justice hands anti-US propaganda on a plate to Islamists

Way to go, Louisiana!

Big surprise, freaking Al Jazeera is doing a feature story on that racist Louisiana JOP Keith Bardwell who refused to allow miscegnation (look it up if you don't know the word; it's an oldie but a baddie).

Remember that Syed Qutb, the Egyptian "father of radical Islamism" who inspired Ayman al-Zawahri and Osama bin Ladin, and who lived in the USA in the 1950s, reserved some of his greatest criticism for the way America oppressed its black citizens. Who knows how many Muslims today falsely believe that the America of the 1950s hasn't changed for the better?

Surely anti-U.S. terrorist groups will be eating up this legitimate news story like candy, translating it into Arabic and a dozen other languages, and saying, "See, even with Barack Hussein Obama as President, the United States is still an evil, racist country!" The USG spends millions of dollars a year on PR aimed at the Muslim world, and yet one backwards Southerner with a little bit of power can undo so much progress.

Go take a long walk off a short levee, you racist hick!

Patty Culhane reports
October 18, 2009 | Al Jazeera

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