If this couple didn't have 3 children, (who were all home when it happened), it would have been the perfect crime -- from society's perspective: Flamboyantly gun-toting wife killed by gun-toting husband who then shoots self. A nice, neat little circle of death, and two fewer gun toters to menace America with their daily threat of murder.
(It's sick and evil, but I love this detail: during the mop-up, the police found her handgun in her backpack fully loaded. Doh! That's why you wear a holster, Honey, just in case somebody tries to shoot you while you're in your kitchen surfing the 'Net! It's obviously what the 2nd Amendment was written for, to protect us from such things!)
But unlike buying a gun, which requires a permit, people don't need permission to have kids.
So here's a radical thought: maybe the best way to control gun violence would be to lift all restricitons on owning guns... but require prospective parents to get a permit to have children, for which the main condition is that they can't own any guns.
Then we would see which is stronger: the urge to procreate, or the urge to kill!
Ah, but I'm just joshing, of course. I have to joke, because commonsense gun control is a fantasy. The ones who haven't shot each other yet make sure of that.
Melanie Hain shooting was witnessed on Web cam, police say
By Barbara Miller
October 9, 2009 | The Patriot-News
URL: http://www.pennlive.com/midstate/index.ssf/2009/10/meleanie_hain.html
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