Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Taxpayers pay twice for prison slave labor

[HT: Colbert Reportciting FoxNews].  Prison labor costs only 23 cents an hour, but this government-owned slaveholder company, UNICOR, still sells its uniforms to the U.S. military for more than its private-sector competitors, thanks to its quota from Congress, and it pockets the difference.  Nice work if you can get it.

UNICOR (previously Federal Prison Industries) even makes Patriot missiles!

All it takes to keep this Military-Industrial Slave Complex running is a perverse justice system that throws 1 out of every 31 U.S. adults -- 70 percent of them minorities -- in for-profit prisons, about 20 percent on harmless drugs convictions, costing taxpayers an average of $32,000 per inmate a year, and a Congressional quota. (And before my teabagger friends even ask, the answer is yes: $32 K is way more than inmates would get on welfare, not to mention the cost of police, interdiction, courts, etc.).

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