Thursday, October 4, 2012

Solidarity with people of Walmart!

People of Walmart, we stand with you!  (Not you people of Walmart, them.)

Granted, it's only about 70 Walmart employees across several stores in the LA area... so far. Nevertheless, it's the first employee strike in Walmart's 50-year history. And none of them are unionized, since Walmart has thwarted unionization of its people at every turn.  These employees have guts.

What's interesting is that Walmart somehow continues to do business overseas, but over there, its employees are mostly unionized:

"Anyone who goes against management, you're pretty much putting a target on your back. They intimidate you by cutting hours or picking on you in any way they can," [one employee, a single mother of five children] said.

On the same day as the strike, about 80 foreign Walmart workers gathered in downtown LA to launch the UNI Walmart Global Union Alliance.... While Walmart in the U.S. remains free of labor unions, the retailer's workers elsewhere in the world are largely unionized.

Hmmm.... So what's good for Walmart's employees outside the U.S. is too good for its U.S. employees?  

By Kathleen Miles
October 4, 2012 | Huffington Post

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