Friday, October 12, 2012

You don't want to be this woman

To all my dear, terribly misguided Republican friends, I say this:  I hope you can do better than this woman:

This is what happens when you live in a talk radio/Fox echo chamber: you repeat words without knowing what they mean; you forget the "facts" but remember the conclusions, because we all agree on them anyway.

Humoring these people, pretending they're salt of the earth, or "average" or whatever, and engaging them in a "conversation" that the reporter knows is retarded, is just another form of condescension.  It's patronizing.  And it's bad journalism. Cheers to Chris Matthews for not doing it. He asked her straight-up questions, she answered... and then, feeling defensive, she condescendingly accused Matthews of "not doing your homework, buddy."  Instead of engaging her stupidity, he just walked away.  He'd shown what he wanted to show, and she did all the work.

It's better for the media to just tease out the average conservative's stupidity, and then broadcast it back to the masses, just like he did.

P.S. -- I may have missed some developments in the modern vernacular, but I don't think "study it out" is English.  

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