Saturday, December 19, 2009

BHO's Pentagon even more mercenary than W's

Something historic is happening, folks. It started with Iraq, when Bush-Cheney-Rumsfeld decided it was politically more palatable to put armed mercenaries in harm's way than U.S. military troops. And it's continuing under Obama, who's being judged stupidly by hawkish Democrats and the MSM for how many troops he decides to surge with -- not for whether he should surge at all. Defense contractors outnumber our troops in Afghanistan about 2 to 1, doing things that U.S. soldiers (or the CIA) used to do, like security, transportation, logistics, intelligence-gathering and analysis, and even special ops.

The historic turnaround at the end of the Middle Ages when armies became permanent and not mercenary is turning back again. Will there come a day when "Support our Troops" bumper stickers are replaced with "Support our Mercs"?

Stunning Statistics About the War Every American Should Know
by Jeremy Scahill
December 19, 2009 |

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