Friday, December 11, 2009

U.S. raised $33 M for illegal Israeli settlements

And we wonder what many in the Arab-Muslim world have against America: 28 US charitable groups have made a total of $33.4m in tax-exempt contributions to Israeli settlements and related organisations from 2004-2007.

Surely, the illegal Israeli settlements are one of the most contentious issues in the Mideast, and a sticking point in peace negotiations. If the shoe were on the other foot, with American Muslims funding Palestinian groups, we might call this funding terrorism.

So whether we know it or not, we are involved in the Arab-Israeli conflict, and not just at the negotiating table between Israelis and Palestinians as an "honest broker."

(This is not to mention the almost $3 billion in military aid that we give every year to poor, broke Israel, which can't afford to buy its own guns, war planes, and attack helicopters with which to menace and murder Palestinian civilians.)

The Hebron Fund is raising vast sums for Israeli settlements that violate the Geneva convention, with little scrutiny

By Andrew Kadi and Aaron Levitt
December 8, 2009 |

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