Hmm... What to say about this almost-tragedy? A few observations and broadsides:
1) It's Dubya's fault.
2) This Nigerian kid fits the typical al Qaeda-in-America terrorist profile: well off, educated kid from not-very-religious Muslim family who turns to radical Islam in his 20s after living in a Western country and experiencing alienation and/or racism and resultant loss of self-identity.
UPDATE (Dec. 30, 2009): Looks like I was right. Poor little Farouk was just lonely.
3) It's Dubya's fault.
4) He probably acted alone. (Which would explain his shitty detonator).
UPDATE (Dec. 30, 2009): They now say Abdulmutallab was carrying out an al Qaeda operation. They've claimed responsibility, anyway.
What does it all add up to? Not much, except: as the world's biggest Occupier of Muslim Lands, we might as well get used to crap like this. If some privileged but disgruntled college nerd from Africa can almost take down a U.S. airliner all by himself, then, well... What good is the War on Terra? We're kidding ourselves, folks. Our leaders have no idea how to keep us safe.

Nigerian Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab poses for a picture at the International school , Lome, TogoPhoto: AP
By Karen DeYoung and Michael Leahy
December 28, 2009 | Washington Post
December 28, 2009 | Washington Post
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