Friday, September 11, 2009

The Dems must copy Rep. Joe Wilson

To go one step further than Mark Ames, this is why Dems are losing the health care debate: we think just because we've got the facts and statistics and the rest of the developed world as proof on our side that some form of gov't health care works best, that we're going to win in the end. Not true. Not true. Alas, not true.

We're gonna lose this unless we get mean and fight dirty. Because that's what the GOP has been doing from Day 1. "Death panels" were an outright lie. Rumors that Obama would deny registered Republicans health care were pure fantasy, but floated out there by the likes of Limbaugh. Giuliani said the only way the Dems could save money on health care was to "pull the plug on granny." They all keep saying Obama wants "socialized medicine," which is clearly and factually wrong. (Socialized medicine is where the gov't owns the hospitals and employs the doctors; single payer is where the gov't is the primary payer of health costs to private health providres.). And on and on.

You conservatives are mean and crazy and you fight like animals; you fight as if Obama is coming to personally molest your kids and burn down your home if you don't act. Meanwhile, we Dems sneer and repeat our polite and reasoned talking points. You brush off inconvenient facts like dandruff, frantically forwarding the latest rumor or lie from Newsmax, Hannity, Beck, Freedomworks, et al. There are too many lies and we can't keep up. What's more, it's useless to try. You want to be deceived. That's the only conclusion I can draw from all this. You want to live in an alternative reality where dramatically overpaying for health care compared to the rest of the world and being denied coverage exactly when you need it equals "the best health care system in the world."

We have no choice but to crush you. But we won't. We don't have the stomach for it. We're not like you. So we're going to keep losing until all of you are on your knees, crushed and begging for Big Gubument to do something. (And believe me, doomsday is coming: soon health care will cost 44% of the pre-tax wages of the average U.S. family.)

Why Wasn't There a Single Democrat Willing to Heckle Bush Like Joe Wilson Did?

By Mark Ames

September 10, 2009 |


Quick question: why the f**k are Democrats boasting that they kept their mouths shut and their hands folded on their knees during every crazed speech Bush gave, unlike that bad ol' Confederate Joe Wilson? Is that something the Dems should be proud of? If anything, Wilson's outburst should make Democrats flush their own heads down the nearest toilet in shame for being such spineless pieces of s**t right at the time that America needed an opposition most–a noisy, vicious, unpredictable opposition–to save the nation, us, and our grandchildren. Instead, they were polite, and they're still proud of how polite they were. Do Democrats realize that by not having a tenth of Joe Wilson's balls or the Tea Baggers's fanaticism, that they enabled Bush to destroy the US military in two idiotic wars, and destroy the economy through plunder? What's to be proud of? This is exactly why it's so hard to be on the side of Democrats: they see what a real opposition looks like–ugly, frightening, unpredictable, breaking the rules– and they have this appalled Polite Society reaction, like a Southern Belle with white gloves on going, "Why I nevuh in all my life," as if politics is a country club rather than a battlefield.

The right gets it–and and Joe Wilson's outburst reminded us yet again. I think deep down that's what the liberals and Dems were so bothered by: they don't like it when the rightwing reminds them that this isn't a grammar school civics class. All across the liberal blogosphere, you see all this plankton that passing for human beings whingeing in unison, "Teacher! Joey made fun of Barack! Can you tell his mommie please? And can you put another star on our liberal foreheads please, because unlike Joey, we were always polite while Bush destroyed America! And pat us on the head too, like you did over the past 8 years. We like getting patted on the head like that."

So while most liberals are collectively shaking their hollow liberal fists at the nerve of that Confederate goon Joe Wilson, let's keep in mind the real lesson: some of us who remember what a bunch of spineless pieces of s**t Democrats were when the country needed them most, when heckling and threatening our Dumbf**k-In-Chief could have made a difference, when the Dems could have taken a risk and possibly saved America from that hyperactive retard Bush and saved the country from ruin… Just one "Liar!" from a Congressman or Congresswoman during Bush's 2003 pied-piper dance to get America to commit national suicide in Iraq. What were Dems so afraid of anyway? Hundreds of thousands of Americans are taking much bigger risks, dying and getting their legs blown off to supposedly protect America–and yet the Dems were and still are afraid of upsetting decorum? Why couldn't the Dems yell out at Bush during his war speech something, anything, like, "Sit the f**k down, retard!" or "Someone call social services!" or just "You're a LIAR!" like Wilson did. It would have given a badly-needed spine-transplant to millions of Americans who didn't know how to stop Bush from ruining America… if only Dems would have taken that risk and led.

But instead, unlike that awful, terrible hillbilly Joe Wilson, the Dems sat politely in their seats, just as the rules say they should, while Bush convinced the country to drive the bus over the cliff. Because heckling Bush might have broken the rules, and god knows if there's one thing today's liberals fear, it's when someone doesn't adhere to grade school civics class rules.

This is what I mean when I say that the only true opposition in this country comes from the rightwing. It's been this way for the past 25 years, and it'll probably be this way for another 25.

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