Monday, September 7, 2009

Over 1 million homeless U.S. school children

I'm so glad to see that even in the worst economy since the Great Depression, that churches and private charities are picking up the slack and helping homeless children to... Oh, wait, they're not. Charities are cash-strapped, too. I guess they're not the answer to poverty.

If these families didn't have food stamps, and federal education funds + stimulus funds to help them out with schools supplies, busing from their shelters/motels, and meals, they wouldn't be able to cope at all. These social workers keeping these poor children in school are the true heroes who deserve our respect and greater fiscal support. This is why we need government. While some of you are protesting the stimulus at your tea parties and town halls, real people are suffering and need a break. Are you so self-absorbed that you would deny them one?

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