Monday, September 14, 2009

Real teabagger photos from DC

Lovely people, poignant signs, real patriots. It's especially heart-warming when the parents get their kids involved. (Nice to know that the young generation is learning all the right things about McCarthyism). God bless Amuricka!

By GottaLaff
September 12, 2009 | The Political Carnival

Via a Tweeter,
Stephanie Taylor, we get a snapshot what the most unAmerican blowhards imaginable claim is patriotism. Not quite the million they expected, by the way.

This morning I heard this quote on CNN from 9/12er: "I'm sick of being called Hitler and unpatriotic". Oh, the irony...

Please let me know if you spot a non-white face, other than those on the deranged signs:

There you have it: The future of Rushpublic America. Makes you feel all warm and cuddly inside, doesn't it?

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